Insights in your portfolio

Portfolio Analysis

With our Kode360 platform and analytics services, we provide insights into your portfolio companies, from initial analysis to exit. Automated or, where necessary, delving deeper.

Automated Analysis

With our Kode360 Insights platform, you as an investor can automate the analysis of your (potential) portfolio companies. This can be done both for investments and during development. This makes your initial analysis scalable, allowing your analysts to focus on areas that directly add value.

You can also track the development of your portfolio companies. This allows you to maintain objective control over your portfolio and make timely adjustments if issues arise.

Additionally, we offer the ability to track statistics across your portfolio and compare them with our benchmark. This can be used to adjust your investment strategy where necessary.

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Detailed Analysis

Do you have a potential issue with one of your portfolio companies? We’re happy to do a deep-dive. Based on our Growth Insights or your own perspective, we conduct a detailed analysis of the organization, leadership, finances, product-market fit, and commercial engine.

This provides you with an independent analysis of your company. We offer advice on areas for improvement and potential actions to address them.

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Does one of your portfolio companies need support? Is there a need to get financials in order, is the commercial engine stalled, or is seniority required in the team? We are happy to temporarily support the company.

Check out our support for growth companies to learn how we can assist your portfolio company.

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